Ethan has been gifted products by ZimpliKids for us to review on our YouTube Channel. We are starting off with the Swamp Green Gelli Bath and the Mystery Colour Crackle Bath (It is Red). We don’t own a bath so we have decided to use it in a bowl and use it to play with rather than bath in.

We love their products but we were super excited to get the new colours and the new chocolate emoji kit too.
Gelli Bath
Ethan loves the feeling of the Gelli bath and despite me not normally liking similar textures this one is ok and not too strange of a texture. It is brightly colored and doesn’t stain your hands or clothing which Ethan thoroughly tested as he is very messy. We also found it easy to dissolve with the included packet and it is safe to go down the sink or in the toilet. The Gelli Bath lasted a long time and stood up to a lot of playing by Ethan including using it for sinking cars, mounding into shapes and just general manhandling.
Crackle Bath
The Crackle bath we hadn’t used before and found it to remind us of Pop Rocks candy in both looks and how it reacted with the water. The loud crackling was brilliant and it didn’t change the colour of the water which surprised us. The crackling effects lasted a long time and this would be brilliant in the bath with young children as they would be more likely to stay in there longer due to the cool cracking noise.
We mixed the two of them together just to see what would happen and the crackling did last for a while once mixed into the Gelli baff but we both agreed we probably wouldn’t do it again. They work better separately in our opinion.
Personally I prefer this one instead of the Slime Baff as I’m not a fan of slime at all but this one and the Crackle Baff have a good sensory feeling. Ethan prefers the Slime Baff overall but I will write up a full review of that one shortly.
Have you tried these products? If so comment below with your thoughts on them!