wat adventures book

Ethan has been lucky enough to of been gifted a personalised book from the wonderful people over at Wat Adventures. It retails for £24.99 usually but they are offering them for £19.99 for the run up to Christmas.

The book choice that we picked is a perfect bedtime story and Ethan loves the fact that it is personalised just for him. The story line is to inspire them to save the Earth from environmental disaster. It lets them feature as the hero with their name and avatar.

The book is A4-sized, hardbound and is worth its weight in gold considering it is 66-pages long so it will last a few bedtimes! It includes two eco-adventure stories and tonnes of activities to inspire your kids to become planet savers and it is all personalised to the name you have chosen.

On the first mission as Blue Fox, they will fight corruption, fake news, and reckless evil intent on destroying the Earth. From the sewers to the stars – the WatAdventurers will not be defeated. Rise up and save Earth!

Ethan turned 7 back in November and this is brilliant for him to start learning more about the environment, corruption and how it pays to be the good person in everything they do. I love the colours and the comic book style as it means he doesn’t get distracted and bored of it easily.

They also have a book that explains Brexit for Kids and I love the idea of it as most adults struggle let alone children! It is £9.99 and honestly its wonderful to see a company trying to include children in such a diverse topic.

I would recommend this fully for children aged 6-7+ this Christmas! It is honestly a lovely book and one that will be read again and again.

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