Children love to get collectible toys and in my experience the smaller the better and to be honest if its small and comes in a blind bag then my children are sold on it. The blind bags bring some form of excitement with them and I am not quite sure if it is the not knowing what one they are going to get or the idea that they could get a super rare but either way it is often met with squeals and giggles. SuperThings are all of these things but without the annoyance factor as there is no extra small parts in the bags.
Ethan was super excited when the latest SuperThings dropped on our doorstep and couldn’t wait to rip into them. The Guardians of Kazoom is the latest set to land in the collection and I have to say I quite like the look of a few of them myself. I was very impressed that all the SuperThings packaging is now made from paper/cardboard too which is much better for the environment and a lot less plastic wrap.

If you didn’t know what they are then Superzings or SuperThings (their official name) are a series of collectables aimed at children aged 4+ created by Magic Box. They are brightly coloured rubbery toys that split into teams of superheroes and supervillains. The bonus is that the toys come with accessories such as hideouts, spy jets, sky racers, aero wagons and more. They have quickly become the number one action figure on the market and believe me they get a lot on attention when children see them in the supermarket.
There are 80+ SuperThings to collect with a range of different rarity’s such as silver ones, gold ones and the ultra-rare one that I have heard is called Dr Volt. He apparently glows in the dark which would be awesome to see.
Ethan was lucky enough to get sent the new SuperThings collection to open and review over on YouTube and for the blog.
- A Starter Pack containing 1x Comic Guide, 1x Crystal SuperThing and 2x SuperThing and 1 Metal Kazoom Jet
- 3 x Single SuperThings Blind Bags
- 1 x Pack of 10 Superthings (Pack 1 of 2)

I didn’t know how much Ethan knew about SuperThings apart from the things he has seen on Youtube and when we have got them in the supermarket so we started with the Starter Pack and worked our way through. SuperThings come in all sorts of costumes/disguises from everyday household objects to food items, with fun names such as Fatal Fan, FightBurger, SuperHelp and E-Gamer (My Favourite).
There are 80+ SuperThings characters to collect and the collection grows quite often! You can see the full list of characters on
Ethan loved opening the blind bags of the SuperThings as he had no idea what he was going to get but he had already picked out some of his favourites from the comic guide. So it was either going to be disappointment or happiness but check out our YouTube video to find out which it was.
Overall, Ethan has loved opening and playing with the SuperThings, he loves anything collectible and if it is small then it is 100x better in his opinion. These are excellent, especially with the fun and unique names and the cartoons to watch on their own YouTube channel and as it is expanding regularly it shouldn’t be something they get bored of too quickly.

The SuperThings characters are made from rubber which for me is better as I hate the hard toys when I am clearing up as usually I step on them or jab my finger nail with them when reaching into a box. Also they aren’t too hard if Ezzie accidently falls on one unlike some of the other toys.
When Ethan was explaining the SuperThings to me we found it good to watch the webisodes on the SuperThings YouTube channel as there is plenty of them on there and it isn’t the worst option for kids tv compared to some of his choices.
You can watch or subscribe to the SuperThings YouTube channel by visiting For more SuperThings, visit and don’t forget to check out the SuperThings YouTube channel and our YouTube Video too!
SuperThings are available to buy as a Starter Pack, blind bags and blister packs from all supermarkets that stock a toy section or The Entertainer too.
We have a competition to WIN two of the BRAND NEW SuperThings SuperBots over on our Instagram Page and all you have to do is comment with your favourite character. (T&C APPLY SEE POST FOR DETAILS)