Slime Baff by ZimpliKids [AD]

We have been gifted a range of ZimpliKids products and we couldn’t wait to try them out! We got GIFTED Gelli Baff, Slime Baff and SnoBall Play.

SLIME BAFF by zimplikids

Ethan was sent Swamp Green Slime Baff by ZimpliKids to review and give his opinion on it. It is gifted but we have been told to tell everyone our honest opinions.

He couldn’t wait to use this as he LOVES slime and last time we did it we had a few mishaps with the pink slime baff. When we first used it we turned Ethan’s hand pink so we made sure that didn’t happen this time.

I have to say despite us following instructions it did end up lumpy and neither of us are sure why. We don’t know if we used too much water, not enough or not enough slime mixture. We have enough packet so we might try again and see if we can master it. We don’t have a bath so it means we have to do it via a bowl or a big container and obviously this can make the ratios slightly different.

SLIME BAFF by zimplikids

Ethan loves it though and happily played with it for ages. It would be pretty cool to add things into it like beads or similar small items as I reckon it would be a good sensory item. He says he prefers the pink one but that doesn’t surprise me as he always like the opposite to what I think he will.

If the green one wasn’t so lumpy it would have been brilliant as it was stretchy and a perfect slime consistency. I did have a quick play with it but slime just isn’t my thing at all. It really plays with my sensory emotions and makes me feel a little bit weird to be honest.

If I could give one bit of advice it would be to put it down the toilet if possible as it definitely isn’t the easiest stuff to get down the sink plug hole/drain. We aren’t in a slow draining area it just didn’t want to seem to disappear. We even tried the dissolving stuff from the Gelli baff packet but it didn’t help. It just seemed to love to hang around for a bit longer.

SLIME BAFF by zimplikids

Ethan has said he wants to play with it again though so that’s a good sign and he asked if we could borrow someone’s bath to have it in there too. So we might end up trying it at nanny and grandads one day soon.

If you fancy purchasing it then its availability from all good toy stores and from amazon too. It is often in the special aisle in ALDI too if you are local to one of them or try their app. It is brilliant for children of all ages and a good gift for those school birthday parties you know that we have hundreds of each term. It comes in other colours too not just pink or green including glittery, red and blue.

Thank you Zimplikids.

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