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Moving house is a HUGE change for everyone especially people who haven’t experienced it before, whether it’s in their professional life, personal life, or restarting from scratch. Moving house is on a lot of people’s minds especially since the pandemic, as lots of people want fresh starts and the idea of packing and moving to a new location can be stressful and chaotic.
Step 1: Lighten the load!
Most people tend to know when they are going to move, and usually it’s around a month or two in advance. Whether your contract is ending or you’re in the process of looking for a new home, you know your timeline at least roughly. The best thing to do as soon as you know that moving is on the cards is to lighten the load of packing by getting rid of things you don’t need or don’t wish to bring with you to your new home. I love to sell on Facebook marketplace, Vinted or at a good old fashioned car boot. You could also use the cash to go towards hiring professional movers (Like All In One Moving & Storage). If you can’t sell it then it is good to donate things to a charity shop, a church or donation centre and give new life to some of your unwanted items. Many places are collecting for Ukraine so you could try to help that cause in the process.
Step 2: Pack EARLY.
You might feel like you have loads of time before the big day arrives, but time always goes faster than expected. I recommend starting the packing process as soon as possible, but it does all depend on how big your current home is, how much stuff you have, and how many people are living in your home. If you have kids, add an extra 3-4 weeks to the process. Because it’s going to be A BUSY PROCESS / HECTIC TIME. Starting early helps you to not lose your marbles. If you can then make weekly goals and do a little at a time. If you can follow The Organised Mum Method then this will help you to be more organised and less stressed. TOMM will help both during both the packing and the unpacking phases. It will also help with the cleaning that will need doing as you go along.
Step 3: Pack the stuff you DON’T NEED first.
When I’m packing, I tend to start with things that I’m not going to be needed in the new few weeks/months. Things like photo albums, holiday decorations, the opposite seasons clothes, it will make everything easier if you don’t need them within the next 2 -3 months. I know that I can pack pretty much everything, minus the things I would typically pack for a 7-14 day trip away. The kitchen can be difficult, but if you’re ok with using paper plates for the last 2 weeks before you move or washing the same 2-3 plates & mugs, then you are good to go! You can pack up a lot of the dishes this way and it will help you feel more at ease but keep out the microwave & kettle if nothing else. Lots of food can be cooked via the microwave or with boiling water.
Step 4: Label all of your boxes!
When you’re packing, make life easier for your future self and label each box. If you can then pack by room and importance so that when you get to the new house, you will know where each box is going. Keep the kettle, tea bags out and handy because moving deserves a brew 24.7.
Step 5: Distract your mind!
If just the thought of this daunting task brings you stress, then make sure you have a good distraction while you pack. Put on a new show or movie on Netflix (other streaming services available) or listen to a podcast. This will help you feel more relaxed and make the time go by faster. You’ll be done packing before you know it! I can recommend Strangers Things on Netflix or Alfie Deyes Podcast!
Step 6: Get help with the move

Moving is ALOT of work, but it’s so much easier if you have people helping you to get it done. If you are on a budget then invite friends and pay them in free beer/food/snacks, or you could hire professionals. Moving between flats isn’t so bad, but when you have a whole house full of stuff to move, it is hard work. All In One Moving & Storage, Inc. can help you with loading, transporting and even providing packing supplies (local NJ based company). If you’re reading this last minute and wondering if it’s possible to hire help when you’re cutting it close, check out Last Minute NJ Movers!! They even help with last minute packing – if you need a few days storage then New Jersey moving and storage units can help with that too. One stop shop for all your moving needs and help.
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