Ethan has been very lucky to be gifted a HexBug FireAnt to review! We often see the adverts for HexBug products on tv around Christmas time and Ethan often says I want it.
We have dabbled in the HexBug world a little with the nano ones but never really seen the full range before. The only place I have seen them for sale is the Science Museum in London so I was surprised to find out they are sold in quite a lot of places!

When I searched for the HexBug FireAnt on Amazon it came up for under £14 and can be found Here (not affiliated or paid link). I personally think it’s a good price as most toys Ethan wants can’t be found for under £20.
We received the pink HexBug much to Ethan’s disgust but once he started playing with it he quickly forgot the colour! (I know he secretly likes pink so that’s not exactly a big issue.)
It took us a few minutes to work out which way the control goes as I’m not very good with RC cars let alone remote control bugs!
Once we worked out the controls we were away and we love it. We want to get a second one so we can see if they interact as Ethan seems to think they do!
Ethan has seen all the tracks for the nano HexBugs and is desperate to make one for the FireAnt. I think he has this idea in his head for an assault course for it but we will see how that goes.
It is definitely easier to store than a huge RC car and we had just as much fun with it! Lily the cat has a tendency to chase it round the house too which Ethan isn’t too happy about!!
We have done a full video review here and if you have any questions please comment them below.