When we went to BlogOn Kids, we were gifted a set of Foul Play’s ‘Once Upon A Crime’ card game and we couldn’t wait to get home and play it!

There are two packs of cards, currently available, this one and ‘‘The Manor House Murder’ but don’t let that put you off as they are planning many more different themes!
We love to play board games and card games as it means the kids get off their phones / switches / away from the tv and they actually enjoy playing games with us, sometimes well this changed the storyline 100% they LOVE playing it and keep asking to play it more.
When we first started playing this game I have to admit we all found it, a little hard to get to grips with but once we had a few rounds we soon realised it was a lot easier than we thought. We started off playing the Bad Cop way we found it easier than Good Cop. Surprisingly eh?
For clear rules and all the information you will need go to the Rules of Play here.
The only difference with the Good Cop version, is that you find out who did the crime and accuse them appropriately where in Bad Cop, you make the evidence fit the crime! Pretty self explanatory I think.
The cards are divided into sections so you have character cards (twisted villainous takes on the classics, Sinbad etc) Evidence Cards and cards which allow you to swap, steal, trade or discard until you have 1 character card and three pieces of evidence (A,B and C) which identify the perpetrator.

The games stacked up pretty quickly, we played in a group of 5, and the adults helped Ethan (9) and Ava (10) until they understood the game properly! F & S really enjoyed the game and they made it very competitive as they swapped and traded, applying their observational skills to spotting the little details on the character cards. I definitely think the age was an advantage for them as they had a better understanding of it than E & A.
It encouraged all of us to think tactically to outsmart each other and use our poker faces which I am not that good at to be honest!
I would definitely recommend this card game as a way to engage with your children and do something a little different especially with the october half term coming up and the bad weather.
History of Foul Play
What’s a Murder Mystery Events Company to do?
With a pandemic sweeping the nation and no sign of being able to perform their confounding criminal cabarets or incredible interactive investigations any time soon,they needed to come up with a plan,another way to provide mystery to the masses (and provide income to keep themselves afloat!)
Well, lockdown does strange things to people, especially actors who can’t go out and perform. So, one fateful evening,ben and Lee Cooper-Muir decided to come up with a whole new way to murder people. Keeping their cards close to their chest they plotted and schemed until ‘Foul Play:The Murder Mystery Card Game‘ was born. So, what to do next?
This is where After Dark enters the picture.
After all, Ben and Lee were two of the operators of the infamous murder mystery company.Maybe they could collaborate to bring the game to the masses.
When lockdown restrictions were lifted , a top-secret meeting was held with the other criminal masterminds behind After Dark, Helen Burrows,Sophie Webster and Tom Fisher, and a pact was made.
The game would be launched amd licensed under the After Dark banner.In true After Dark style, the team burst into action and began the beta testing,proofing, proofing and MORE proofing until finally all the kinks were ironed out,mysteries were solved, and ‘Foul Play’ came to life!
We hope you enjoy playing it,and although we all hope to be back performing soon, WATCH THIS SPACE! Now we know we can create and produce games, we’ve got a lot more fun things planned for the future….
For further information on where to buy the cards – visit https://www.foulplaygame.co.uk/store.

DISCLAIMER: This item has been gifted to us but our opinions do not reflect on the products company, or the thoughts of any social media companies we have shared this review on.
We give our 100% honest opinions on the products we test and we have declared it is an AD and gifted as required by the ASA guidelines.