Easter seems to have become a big celebration in the UK but not always for the right reasons with Easter Eggs appearing in stores from Boxing Day. I have compiled this list of 5 alternative gift ideas instead of Chocolate so that your little ones won’t be in a chocolate coma by 11am on Easter Sunday.
Motorized Creations K’Nex [AD]
We have been GIFTED a brilliant STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) friendly kit by K’Nex which allows us to make Motorized Creations with endless building possibilities.
Word On The Street Board Game [AD]
Did you hear the Word on the Street?
CoiledSpring Games have and they are smashing it with their new game which you can read about here. We have been lucky enough to be GIFTED this fun family friendly game where the aim is to be the first person / team who gets 8 letter tiles faster than all the opponents in this hilarious tug of words.
Harry Potter Knight Bus 3D Puzzle [AD]
A month or so ago I was emailed by CoiledSpring and asked if I wanted to review the Knight Bus 3D Mini Puzzle too and of course I said Yes because DUH it’s Harry Potter. I thought that it wouldn’t take too long as I was quite cocky about it but I soon realised the errors of my way when I opened the box.
Tan Tan the Orangutan [AD]
Metal Movers By Tonka [AD]
Ethan has been gifted two sets of Tonka’s Metal Movers trucks as he loves to play with his cars be it inside the house or outside depending on the weather.