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Rainbow Surprise Cake Review [AD]
I got GIFTED a Rainbow Surprise Cake Box to make and review by Britain Loves Baking. The Rainbow Surprise Celebration Baking Box is listed as the easiest celebration cake and...
Candy Floss Maker Review
Ethan got given a candy floss maker by my parents for his birthday and we gave it a try tonight to see how easy it is as not gonna lie...
Cats VS Pickles Come To B&M [AD]
We have been lucky enough to work with Cats Vs Pickles once again on their venture into B&M Stores. We have been gifted another set of cats and one pickle...
You Said It Cards (AD)
You Said It cards got in touch and GIFTED me a free Valentine’s card of my choice and a discount code for my readers. My boyfriend and I love to do Valentine’s Day and when I realised they had a different style of cards to the standard lovey dovey ones I said yes straight away! This is a gifted product – I have not been paid to post this and nor is the link an affiliate link.