Bob the Bear’s Adventures [AD]

Bob the Bear’s Adventures is the story of a very naughty bear who likes playing hide and seek with his owner but, he seems to have found a love for climbing!

I am lucky enough to review lots of books for myself and i was so excited to see this one drop on my TR pile. Ezra is getting to the age where he likes a bedtime story so we got straight into reading Bob the Bear’s Adventures.

Bob the Bear’s Adventures is the story of a very naughty bear who likes playing hide and seek with his owner but, he seems to have found a love for climbing!

Our Review of Bob The Bear’s Adventures

The book is written by Alice Chambers (a former primary school teacher) and it includes photographs of Bob, the knitted bear toy. The photos cover all the adventures he gets up to with a short few sentences on each page. Ezra keeps pointing at the pages and saying teddy so he definitely knows what he is looking at.

The book engages with the reader(s) by asking them to point to where Bob is, which is a great way of maintaining the interest of a younger child. It is perfect for ages 2+ ideally but any young readers would love this book. We will be passing it onto our local nursery so lots of children can get use out of it.

This would work perfectly for children who are just beginning to read as the book uses simple language and they can use their sounding words to help them read the story.

At the end of the book, the reader is prompted to ask the child all the places they can remember they saw Bob hiding, which encourages discussion about the book and what happened within it. This is what happens when kids return their books at school so it is good to start it at a young age and get them to recount the story in their own words.

I think that children will love this story book and it will become a firm favourite in many houses.

Where To Buy Bob’s Book

Get it on Amazon now**

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