Q&A With Foster From ‘Skylar Motion’

Today I interviewed Foster about his blog, & I wanted to find out a little bit about himself and how he got into the blogging and what his plans are.


Today I interviewed Foster about his blog, & I wanted to find out a little bit about himself and how he got into the blogging and what his plans are.

His Social Media Links Are:

My name is Foster Senu, I’m a passionate affiliate marketer who blogs about affiliate marketing
growth hacking and 60% SEO. I have a background in growth hacking, social media marketing,
conversion optimization and content marketing.

Can You Tell Our Readers About Yourself And Your Blog

Skylarmotion is an emerging affiliate marketing blog that gives insights into how to start affiliate
marketing with no money and thrive in a noisy world. I discuss how to use modern tools to
generate website traffic, skyrocket Twitter growth and engagement.

Describe How did You First Get In To Blogging

I first started blogging after researching affiliate marketing and how to make passive income. I
started on Blogger and later on decided to use WordPress.
When I first started I knew there is a lot to do to catch up very fast with the PRO blogs that are
beautifully designed.
Being that I love research, I started running background checks on some of the most successful
bloggers in my niche including Lisa Sicard whose blog inspired me to thrive online

Can You Tell Me Some Of Your Strength That Really Helps You In Blogging?

Knowing that quality is more important than quality, I do my best to give my audience the best
they deserve. After learning some lessons from Biddulph Ryan on Blogging from Paradise, I
realize I need to be consistent, niche down and think-provoking ideas and detailed-oriented

How Would You Describe Your Blogging Style?

Every piece of content that I write is tailored to my audience only. This helps affiliates make
thriving decisions.

What Do You Think Is The Best Service A Blogger Can Provide To His Readers?

Providing the best service to my audience has been my core domain. The best service a
blogger can offer his audience is to touch on their pain point and provide usable and relatable
information that sparks solutions to their problems.
A blogger should be able to leave the audience more informed than they were before reading
their blog post.

How Do You Manage Time To Run Your Blog Efficiently?

Knowing that blogging can really take over my entire life, these are the measures I put in place
to efficiently run my blog:

  • I set specific goals for my blog with key performance indicators
  • Schedule post in an editorial calendar
  • I created a to-do list each day.
  • I choose the best time to write
  • I discuss my blogging ideas with colleagues

How Do You Want To Improve Yourself In The Next Year?

I would like to extend my blog, make it sticky and improve upon the overall engagement of my
audience. I would like to create more epic content to convert loyal audiences and followers like
Poulomi Basu does at Weignitegrowth.

What Was Your Greatest Failure and What Did You Learn From That?

My greatest failure was a lack of personal motivation and fear of failure. When I started as a
newbie, mastering the courage to reach out to other bloggers like you (@dittrichdiary) was a big problem for me. The feeling was like, I’m not good enough to write for others but after reading quotes from
thought leaders, my outreach campaigns have been smoother.

Who Has Impacted You Most In Blogging?

David Leonhardt , Micheal Ellis and Moss Clement have impacted my approach to blogging. I
follow their perspective because they have a strategic approach when it comes to copywriting
and consistent when it comes to audience engagement.

Where Would You Like To Be In The Blogging World – 5 Years From Now?

If you know me, you’ll know I have plans for my blogging career. In the next 5 years, these are 5
things I would like to achieve:

  • Have a lot of PR connections
  • Offer link building service for my audience
  • Start an affiliate program
  • Have an email list size of at least 250, 000
  • Be interviewed by major media house including CNN and Aljazeera

Can You Name Some of Your Favorite Bloggers and Why?

(The following links lead to their blogs if possible otherwise their twitter account)

Casey Botticello – Twitter Handle: @Blogging_Guide

Casey seamlessly helps new and PRO bloggers like me explore the digital publishing
landscape. One of her main objectives that inspires me is to help new bloggers easily monetize
their online writing. She offers an award winning newsletter and digital downloads to her
audience including me.

Lauren – Twitter Handle: @BournemouthGirl

Lauren is inspired by the endless opportunity her blogging career brings her. She started
blogging over 5 years ago. She is one of the few expert bloggers who are open to share their
ideas with beginners. She has worked with Schwartz, Archer & Olive, Dingbats Notebooks,
Estrid, Popcorn Shed, Imperial Candles and many more.

Moss Clement – Twitter Handle: @Mossmedia

Moss Clement teaches bloggers valuable writing skills and how to start and grow profitable blogs
faster to help them shoot up. You’ll also discover freelance writing skills that will propel your
blogging success. His action plan that is provided to bloggers helps increase their website

Lisa Sicard – Twitter Handle: @Lisapatb

She is a consultant, blogger and owner of Inspire to Thrive, one of my go to sources for new
blogging ideas. She has decades of experience blogging and helping brands like yours
grow aggressively.

Vikas Singal – Twitter Handle: @TheVikasSingal

Vikas mission is to help bloggers and business owners from all walks of life to scale using
consistent and reliable blogging to establish their online presence.

Debi Norton – Twitter Handle: @Bravomedia

Debi is included in this list because she is very open to share her ideas when it comes to
blogging and internet marketing intuition. She is one of the thought leaders that I follow for
more internet marketing ideas. The link included for Debi is for Twitter, if anyone has a blog link for her please message me or comment below.

Anything Else You Would Like The Readers To Know?

I like sharing my ideas and I am always open for blog interviews like this. I’m very confident my
blogging career will take me far from expected.

Thank you Foster for answering my questions and being a great blogger!

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