Shmojis are an awesome way to show your favourite emojis / your emotions on your favourite pair of kicks (to be honest any shoes with laces!) Each blind bag contains four unique characters inside, which can be threaded on to the shoelaces. Back when I was a kid there was similar things for your bike spokes and pencil toppers but nothing like this for laces so I think these are cool and so do the kids.
IQ Games [AD]
Smart Toys & Games is award-winning company, that creates educational and inspiring games for kids for all ages. I met with Smart Toys & Games previously at last years Toy Fair and their aim is to provide games that children and adults will play and learn.
Personalised Stickers From Sticker Market [AD]
Who doesn’t love stickers?! I am nearly 30 and I love getting stickers from places and businesses so I wanted to implement this with my brand. In comes Sticker Market who have gifted me 100 personalised brand stickers for me to give out to people I work with.
SpyX Micro Gear Review [AD]
Ethan had this at the top of his Christmas List and he freaked out when he saw he was gifted the SpyX Micro Gear Set. This set is designed is for ages 6+ and it features 4 ‘Spy Tools’ to help the young James Bond with their adventures. It does also include a carry belt and clips to store all your gadgets, which I will admit is quite cool, it can be adjusted to fit smaller or larger children and the clips can be attached and removed easily.
Switch 16 Board Game [AD]
Switch 16 has been gifted to us to play with our two 10 year olds (M&F), 14 (M), 18 (M) and us two parents. This a game from the company Play Monster who we have recently reviewed a few games from, check out their website for lots of cool games.
Rubik’s NEWEST Products [AD]
Rubik’s cube, if you are a child of the 90’s/00’s you more than likely owned one or still do own one and I bet it’s sitting there still mismatched too. If you didn’t own one then you know someone who did and more than likely you have had a go with one.